The DECEMBER 2021 Newsletter is now available

The 2nd biannual newsletter of this year December 2021 has just been published.

Congratulations to our editorial team for producing an interesting and nice newsletter. The many beautiful photos and illustrations are striking, which makes reading a lot more fun.

Development cooperation is again discussed extensively. Especially the article about PANDAMU moving towards the transformation of Agricultural Products is of interest

Our Vice-President Frederic Deprez recently, from October 24 to November 5, visited a number of partners in Rwanda. An extensive report can be read in this edition. You will also find a lot of economic and cultural information and five book reviews. And please, don’t forget to support our “End of the year action” in favour of the center for handicaped people Wikweheba Mwana. Details on page 19.

Click on the link below and read the newsletter directly on your screen: NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2021

Enjoy the reading!

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2 thoughts on “The DECEMBER 2021 Newsletter is now available”

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