You like to support our projects with a donation?
You can, Please print and complete the form below, scan the completed form and return it to us by e-mail. You can print it, using one of the buttons below.
Make a banktransfer in favour of our accountnumber: Vlaams-Rwandese Vereniging UMUBANO vzw te Vichte
IBAN: BE 79 0682 4065 7633
Amount in Euro: * €
Title: Mr. Mrs, Miss, Mr & Mrs
First Name *
Name *
Street *
House number (postbox nr) *
Postal code *
Place *
Country *
Phone nr
* required fields
Donations from and above 40 euro per year, give right to fiscal deduction (for Belgian citizens).
Fiscal certificate required / not required (delete as appropriate).
Law of 08/12/92 and KB of 13/02/2001 (art.35): This information is stored by us in accordance with the law. You can always request them, have them revised, or have it removed if you so desire.